hudební agentura


Welcome to the website of the music agency AuraMusica


Our company offers

- the representation of artists in the field of classical music

- marketing and promotional activities in the field of culture and education

- business and promotional representation of third parties

- both domestic and foreign management and organizing of concerts and entertainment activities, especially music, musical, dramatic, dramatic and ballet shows, concerts and performances

- recordings of audio and visual recordings


To represented artists we offer:

• active representation of the artist in relation to the organisers and partners

• publication of information about the artists directly on the website of the Agency incl. their photos

• to search opportunities and to apply the art both in the Czech Republic and abroad

• the possibility of the publication of the detailed repertoire of artists for various artistic performances on the website of the Agency; link to the personal website of the artists

• continuous search for sponsors, donators and partners

• casting artists into new artistic projects upcoming artistic agency

• coordination and assistance in the preparation of concerts, operas and other productions and other artistic performances

• possibility of acquisition of musical recordings in modern recording studios in Prague

• production of music CDs and DVDs


Search site


AuraMusica, s.r.o. Terronská 960/65
Praha 6
160 00

IČO: 27776018
DIČ: CZ27776018





Koncerty se konají v

Tereziánském sále Břevnovského kláštera a v kostele Církve československé husitské, Wuchterlova 5, Praha 6, vždy v 19:00 h


Vstupenky v cenách 200 Kč (pro seniory a mládež) a 300 Kč je možno opět zakoupit v Informační kanceláři MČ Praha 6, Bělohorská 110 a ve Fortně Břevnovského kláštera, Markétská 1, Praha 6 (v případě koncertů konaných v Břevnově), nově také v agentuře GoOut,s.r.o.


Objednávky přijímáme také na